Moving is hard on everyone, especially your kids. In addition to having to adapt to a new home, leaving friends behind and making new ones can be one of the most stressful parts of the process. As a parent, it is never easy to watch your child struggle, so you may feel that you want to ease the transition, help them fit in with their peers and start to socialize in their new hometown as soon as possible. The truth is that they are solely responsible for making friends but luckily, there are a number of ways for you to help!

Take Them To Places Other Kids Are

When you have settled into your new home, start to take your kids to local areas where other children play and hang out. In Whistler, many children frequent the skate park, Meadow Park swimming pool, library, and the ice rink. It is even a good idea to take your child to preview their new school. You never know, they may just meet a future classmate!

Help Your Child Blend In

As parents, we want our child to be true to themselves. However, in the case of a big move, it can help your child feel more comfortable to have peer approval through fitting in with a new haircut, popular clothing or shoes. What’s more, many communities have their own culture which may be more noticeable to your eye rather than your child’s. Take note of current trends among the kids and offer to help your child make them their own.

Become Friends With Other Parents

Play dates are a great way for kids to make friends and for parents to bond. As soon as you feel comfortable, introduce yourself to neighbors. It also doesn’t hurt for you to pursue your own activities which will surely broaden your new social group to include other parents. Work colleagues are also a great way to meet other adults with similar aged children.

Have them Join Extracurricular Activities

After school classes and sports are a wonderful way for your child to stay busy and meet other kids with similar interests. In Whistler, many children participate in ski school, hockey, tumbling, dance and youth groups.

Support Them Emotionally

Many children focus on negative aspects, especially where a move is involved. Help them remember all the positive parts of moving such as making new friends, starting fresh, and the excitement. Make sure to let them express how they are feeling prior, during and after moving. This will encourage an open line of communication and prevent your child from retreating inwards which would hinder them socially in the long run.

Your job as a parent is to provide as much opportunity as possible for your child to make friends, not make friends for them. Before you know it with these helpful tips, there will be a whole neighborhood knocking at your front door, staying for dinner and playing in your back yard. Looking to find a front door in Whistler for your child’s friends to knock on? Contact us today!