Greetings from Whistler and Pemberton,
Opening day is rapidly approaching, set for November 23! The image captured above at Green Lake today showcases the radiant sun, snow-capped mountains, and a palpable sense of anticipation in the atmosphere. The Roundhouse Lodge, Glacier Lodge and Rendezvous Lodge are all set to be open from day one, as are the GLC, Dusty’s and Merlin’s. Are you ready?
Over the past seven days, the real estate market in Whistler and Pemberton has demonstrated a noteworthy level of consistency and relative balance, as illustrated below. Evidently, there is a growing interest among individuals and families seeking to secure a property for the fast approaching winter season. We are seeing an influx of inquiries in all segments of the Whistler market. Pemberton is a little slower as it usually is at this time of year but we did see two sales this week. If you’re interested in discovering the ideal property to call your mountain home, feel free to reach out to us. We would be delighted to assist and hear from you.
Here are the past 7 days numbers:
Whistler Market
17 New Listings
14 Sales in Whistler
5 Price Adjustments
Pemberton Market
2 New Listings
2 Sales in Pemberton
4 Price Adjustments
Your Mother/Daughter Team
*Note All statistical information provided from sources deemed to be reliable. The information provided is based on data collected from Whistler Listing Service WLS and MLS.
#425 Town Plaza
November 29 – December 3, 2023
“Enjoy feature and short film programmes, including Oscar contenders, breakthrough Canadian films, and award-winning stories from around the globe. Select films will premiere exclusively in-theatre. The in-person festival also features filmmaker après events, conversations with top talent at WFF’s Signature Series, networking opportunities and time to explore.
The 2023 lineup includes the star power of Natalie Portman, Julianne Moore, Bradley Cooper, Carey Mulligan and Jeffrey Wright, to name a few.” *Tourism Whistler
Check out the full line up and grab your tickets here!